Ms. Wamp® - I always wished I was part of a big Irish Catholic family and then realized as a plain ol' Southern Baptist I already have more family than I can handle sometimes! Mr. Mc® - a vintage 1982 classic chocolate - I'm an acquired taste. Normal blogs are typically narrated by one individual - as you'll see...we're not normal but are one. This is our life sometimes adventurous, oft times mundane, but always retold with flourish!

Friday, February 19, 2010

I swear I'm not super political

It is that time of year again that early voting starts and candidate signs are everywhere, people are calling, sending you mail, giving total crap campaign promises, and gathering the family together for great photo ops.

I know that voting is something that my grandfather's generation cherishes - their mothers had to fight just to be allowed to do it! They fought wars to protect our democracy and the right to vote, to speak out, to fight for change.

My grandpa is AWESOME and has instilled in my a deep sense of appreciation for all that American is and can be - he raises a martini to you and your choice to vote! My cousins and I thank you too!

I am always cognizant at this time of year that as American's we are generally so lax on this right that is a cornerstone on what sets our country apart, and I would encourage you to take an hour, read about the candidates, early vote and make your voice heard.

The process as a whole is far from perfect and it it run by men & women who are fallible humans just like you and I, but they are trying to make a difference and fight on our behalf.

It is my opinion that I should never complain about the "state things are in" if I don't like them I should vote, run myself, or support candidates who I feel mirror my interest - but complaining never got anyone anything - we must be actively involved.

I LOVED what Conan O'Brien said in his "exit speech" from the Late Night show - I was almost moved to tears - it doesn't totally have to do with voting but it certainly does about action:

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."

All the voting info you should need - I think.

Early voting rocks cause you can go to any of the locations listed below to vote - in and out in about 5 minutes - no picketing candidates or anything so nice!

Early voting locations

There are also some interesting propositions that can affect taxing you might want to pay attention to - you can view them at the end of the republican ballot sample.

Here is a Republican sample ballot                   Democratic Sample Ballot

If you wanna read through a ton of information and make a informed decision on each of the candidates you can read this

To find out what districts represent you and who you can vote for:

Lets use the privileges we've been granted!!

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