Ms. Wamp® - I always wished I was part of a big Irish Catholic family and then realized as a plain ol' Southern Baptist I already have more family than I can handle sometimes! Mr. Mc® - a vintage 1982 classic chocolate - I'm an acquired taste. Normal blogs are typically narrated by one individual - as you'll see...we're not normal but are one. This is our life sometimes adventurous, oft times mundane, but always retold with flourish!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Desperately Seeking Susan

During the 80's I was a young child, and not only that but I was a private schooled, very immersed in church, oldest child in a sheltered family kinda gal..... So while some people got to dress cool and listened to new kids on the block - I dressed in a uniform and listened to the Doughnut Man. 

The contrast is pretty stark.....

Even then I was getting edged out on height!!

All of that to say... the few things I remember that are quintessential 80's are scrunchies, slouching socks, and banana clips.  Josh and I's Bible study group is doing a progressive dinner 80's themed so I set out to find a banana clip and what better way to do so than a mass text to all my ladies. The responses had me rolling on the floor! 

My text said " Does anyone know where I could get a banana clip or does anyone have access to one?  I need to for a costume"



Try Walmart.  I think they still sell them

If I believed you that it was for a costume I'd tell you

I'll check the house for one

Goodwill or some thrift store.  You could probably buy it off a clerk if you don't find it in the store.

I saw someone at Lowe's wearing one Saturday

I'm glad its a costume

Apparently I have a bad sense of style and socioeconomically wearing a banana clip puts you in a totally different sphere!!  I did find one at Walmart and tried it on - it was just as bad and I remembered - kinda made you look like a mix between a dinosaur and a mohawk.  I should taken a modeling picture but people were staring at me weird.....