Ms. Wamp® - I always wished I was part of a big Irish Catholic family and then realized as a plain ol' Southern Baptist I already have more family than I can handle sometimes! Mr. Mc® - a vintage 1982 classic chocolate - I'm an acquired taste. Normal blogs are typically narrated by one individual - as you'll see...we're not normal but are one. This is our life sometimes adventurous, oft times mundane, but always retold with flourish!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reasonably Old Enough

I am reasonably old enough to know most of everything I need to take care of myself barring any catastrophes, but it doesn't change the fact that I miss my momma!!! She & my dad are cruising around the Caribbean and I am here with no mom to talk to at the end of each day and I miss her!!

I remember when I was 18 and a senior in high school when she went back to teaching school and my heart was sad. I didn't talk to her as much then and didn't need her while I was in school - but the fact that she wasn't home anymore bothered me...... And now I feel like I a missing a part of my heart. Plus my sister Julie is traveling with her hubby too - so now I'm missing 1/2 my family!! Its a sad weird feeling and I'll be very glad to have them back in town where I can not talk to them or talk to them at my leisure!

In case you aren't BFF's with my whole family left to right - aren't they pretty?  Everyone of them is beautiful inside and out and I couldn't live without them!!
Momma Amy, Julie, me, Jean, Gail

Friday, January 22, 2010

Gorgeous Day!

My sister Julie and I don't work too far from each other and try to meet up for lunch every now and then. Since today was so gorgeous we decided to meet up at a park that was 1/2 between our offices and eat some chick-fil-a. We had one grilled and one fried and each ate half so we were only half bad. ; )

Anywho when we got to the park the sign said $10 park entrance fee per car!! I am a lady and a smooth talker so I figured it would be no problem at all to go in and eat lunch for 30 minutes - but no go - not even a little bit, not even at all. So we did the next best thing, turned, parked our cars on the side of the entrance and had a picnic on the grass and it was lovely!! And if I tilted my head back the landscape looked CRAZY!

We laid on our backs and looked at the clouds picking out designs just like when we were kids.

Only difference was a policeman rolled by our little sky gazing party and asked if everything was alright - were we alive, were we breathing exhaust fumes, drinking funny coolaid or being held hostage. I laughed and explained we were just cheap and he laughed and kept on rollen'.

And then it was over - and we went back to the office!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dinner Date & TV Free

I am not a huge food network junky - but sometimes I catch a cool show, and about a year ago I saw a show on fun places to eat and there was one featured in Watagua.

A 5 star restaurant in a gas station - what could be more intriguing? Last night I finally decided to go for it and told Josh I was taking him for a surprise dinner. Typed the address into the GPS and away we went. Josh didn't quite know what to think when the GPS said "Right Turn NOW"

It totally was 1/2 gas station and 1/2 restaurant. But the food was good - I got some pasta and Josh got the Monte Cristo - haven't had a good one of those since Bennigans went out of business. It was good, and to finish it off we got the bread pudding that I had seen featured on the show - it was sinfully delicious.

And to make it a extra special night Josh played monopoly with me. If you know me very well you know that I am a MASTER trash talker. It only works about 2x's before you realize that even though I talk a big game it doesn't improve my bowling or rope pull skillz. But as this picture attests - my trash talking actually paid off this time! I'm the one on the left with all the property and money. I will say Josh owned the entire "rich row" and if I landed on one of them it was like $900!!! but I didn't land there often.

It was a great night TV free and full of fun! Also speaking of TV - is anyone else sick of hearing about the Lifetime Movie "Pregnancy Pact" ick!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Real Life Adventure

I was home last week deathly ill with the sniffles - snuffy, coughing, cranky, head ache blah - one giant hot mess. So while I was home in my idyllic, quiet neighborhood, laying in bed thinking how miserable I was I kept hearing voices outside.

It sounded like children's voices which was very much wrong - the holidays were over, it was 9:00 am and kids should be in school, no derelicts live in our neighborhood that I knew of - what could be going on?

As any proper housewife would do I bundled up against the 20 degree weather and dragged myself outside to inspect just what all the ruckus was about - the ruckus it turns out was my neighbor standing in her backyard begging and pleading with her new fluffy grey kitten, Smokey, to get out of the tree that is right between our two yards.

(its like a wheres waldo - but you can see Smokey here almost in the middle of the picture...)

I was cold, sick and thoroughly amazed. I had never seen a kitten (or cat) stuck in a tree and didn't know it actually happened! Seemed like something out of a cool 1950's movie or a episode of Leave it to Beaver - but to be unfolding right in my backyard - what a moment!

My neighbor actually did call the fire department but they sent animal control over. So animal control came and rang our doorbell because he had to come into our backyard - it was nice to have a animal control issue that didn't involve our angelic dogs!

So he went into our backyard, jabbed at the poor kitten with a 12 foot or longer pole trying to scare it down or something to no avail. I snuck a few photos from our balcony of all the suburban drama unfolding right in my backyard. Seriously I was sick and bored!

After about 10 minutes of poking and knocking around he said the cat would leave when it was ready. My neighbor inquired if he couldn't call the fire department or get a ladder. He replied, "Its a lie, we don't climb trees, use ladders or go in attics. The fire department can't help ya either." And with that he left. The kitten did eventually come down on his own - but for those 10 minutes I got to live a moment out of Pleasantville!

Don't be jealous of my exciting life! ; )

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year

Many years ago before Josh had graduated college, before I had a cat or 2 dogs, before we were married, before I quit wearing halter tops (oh dears a loonnnggg time ago) Josh and I went to Shrevport for the day - we had more time back then - now its just trips to home depot & maybe bed, bath and beyond if there's enough time (name that movie). 

Anywho we went down for the day, lost some money, scrounged in the car for change, went back in and won - and for that period of time won big - I bought a new suit for a job interview with that money and the phrase "free money momma" was born.  We were so excited just look how happy we were!

This latest trip for New Years Eve was surrounded in much more excitement and hype on the front end - but wooheee ouch - not so much at the end.  We had great friends who I took a picture of on the casino floor -I'm such a rebel!

And then I thought I looked pretty so I tried to take a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror but that didn't turn out fantastic either....  I liked the hat thingys they gave out.  Plus I wore knee high boots with a pretty good heel on them but my feet didn't hurt one lick - not even after endless hours at the craps table - go figure!

We had lots of excitement and fun but no free money - not one penny..... and I must say a gamblin' trip is ever so much more fun when you win! So the moral of this story is You gotta know when to fold em' know when to hold em', know when to walk away and when to run!

Also Glee rocks and I'm loving the 2 soundtracks hubby got me for Christmas!