We glided through Thanksgiving and oodles and oodles of football (that wasn't so much of a glide but for another day). We got everything gussied up and ready to go and then I had nothing to do!!! I had prepared so well and had such great help that I had time to spare!!!! I just loved how everything turned out so wanted to share pictures of how purdy it all turned out.

The weather was so gorgeous and the men folk fried the turkey and soaked in the weather - it was amazing that in my own backyard there was a force field of such manliness that I couldn't cross into the circle - I tried twice and quickly retreated feeling very awkward and out of place - it was a strong 3 generation force field and you can't mess with that!

And I found out that when you make a purdy table for pretty creative people they incorporate elements of it into their personal style and rock it!

All in all I think my two favorite hoodlums summed it up: Touchdown!

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