My top favorite movie ever is The Princess Bride - and in it they approach the Cliffs of Insanity which they will scale and then escape to happily ever after (my spin on it right now) 

These are the actual cliffs of insanity from the movie - and you know what my cliffs of insanity are - my head! I can't get outta my head sometimes - and as we get geared up for Thanksgiving I made "th
e list". I always do better when I get every single thought I think is important and must happen, look at it, rank, evaluate and then tell hubby we have to get "THE LIST" done or my life will be over and I'll die.

Fortunately he is AMAZING and puts up with my crazy and knows that after I write everything out in "the list" I will calm down and realize its doable and that he'll be right by my side helping me out. Plus we have the added bonus of having my Sister In Law staying with us and helping out.
I had a finish time of Sunday at noon - and by Saturday morning it was pretty clear that that list was toast - we were going to rock it out and beat it way ahead of schedule - until Bear got out and I poked at the ceiling...... then this happened and it was decidedly not on the list.

Our super sweet amazing ninja escape dogs have found a new way out of the yard so Josh had to build a fence to keep them in - and then he had to go to Home Depot (1st of 2 trips that weekend) to get stain - and while he was out I went into the formal dining room to fix a thing on the chandelier and ended up peeling all the popcorn off the ceiling and had to scrape, sand, retexture and paint it before we had people over for dinner Sunday night ....... so then hubby grabbed a saw and trimmed the trees up in the front yard and cleared out all the vines - INSANE and we totally finished the main list but also A LOT of ancillary things too!
So now we just get to sit around and sip mojito's and enjoy smooth sailing knowing we're done with projects! ; )

Teamwork works!!!!
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