Like does a full moon - or nearly full moon make

these adorable puppies (they're about 80 pounds heavier now but this is for dramatic and cute effect) turn into restless monsters that won't sleep through the night but continually insist on getting up and nosing me while I try to sleep and then chasing the cat and then running laps around the house...... all night long.....
Seriously look how cute those faces are! Then as I'm driving to work wondering how they could cause so much trouble - I see this - and my heart skipped a beat.
It's a suburban being towed at an angle so when I saw it it looked like it was coming at me.... and then I wondered - why? Why not just tow it straight? Maybe just to give me something to contemplate today.... After being exhausted this weekend and trying rest up my mind is ready to tackle the big questions in life. ; )
I miss the tiny puppies! They were so cute and tiny and pudgy with all of the extra skin/fur. Now their mini-giants that my son can ride!