Ms. Wamp® - I always wished I was part of a big Irish Catholic family and then realized as a plain ol' Southern Baptist I already have more family than I can handle sometimes! Mr. Mc® - a vintage 1982 classic chocolate - I'm an acquired taste. Normal blogs are typically narrated by one individual - as you'll see...we're not normal but are one. This is our life sometimes adventurous, oft times mundane, but always retold with flourish!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year

Many years ago before Josh had graduated college, before I had a cat or 2 dogs, before we were married, before I quit wearing halter tops (oh dears a loonnnggg time ago) Josh and I went to Shrevport for the day - we had more time back then - now its just trips to home depot & maybe bed, bath and beyond if there's enough time (name that movie). 

Anywho we went down for the day, lost some money, scrounged in the car for change, went back in and won - and for that period of time won big - I bought a new suit for a job interview with that money and the phrase "free money momma" was born.  We were so excited just look how happy we were!

This latest trip for New Years Eve was surrounded in much more excitement and hype on the front end - but wooheee ouch - not so much at the end.  We had great friends who I took a picture of on the casino floor -I'm such a rebel!

And then I thought I looked pretty so I tried to take a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror but that didn't turn out fantastic either....  I liked the hat thingys they gave out.  Plus I wore knee high boots with a pretty good heel on them but my feet didn't hurt one lick - not even after endless hours at the craps table - go figure!

We had lots of excitement and fun but no free money - not one penny..... and I must say a gamblin' trip is ever so much more fun when you win! So the moral of this story is You gotta know when to fold em' know when to hold em', know when to walk away and when to run!

Also Glee rocks and I'm loving the 2 soundtracks hubby got me for Christmas!

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