So I've been pushing the idea of a blog to Elyse since I've learned of her "following fetish" (about a year).
My wife’s abridged personality for blogging purpose: She is intriguing, overzealous, family orientated, abundantly descriptive with verbal and written word, her favorite game to play is sadly Scramble, and she got grounded from reading during her adolescence years (I know right....loser with a Capital L).
But as I've found out, during my 28 year old life, is every loser is a winner; hence every “Capital L” has a “Capital W”.
Why start a blog now? - And here we are - "the accelerator" = one of my best friends recent diagnoses with cancer. Just the word "cancer", disregard the definition / types / or common understanding by the general public, motivates individuals to think different, realize life, change life styles, take up a new profession, travel to unforeseen destinations, understand the meaning of life, blah blah blah.
The bottom line: It's a nasty f*ing word - and nobody cares to utter it in a personal conversation.
The top line: I've got a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University, a Master's Degree in Business Administration from University of Texas at Arlington, self proclaim myself to be a technical and business savant who operates on a "Strategic Business Level", understands and keeps up with everything that's anything in the world of effective and efficient, and here I was.....being woken up from a late evening nap by my wife with her laptop in hand - speaking in tong but clearly gesturing for me to entertain her pink monstrosity of a laptop which screams "I AM PINK" not "I contain valuable self sustaining life pertinent information". And there I was finding out my best friend had cancer, the day after he was diagnosed, via his wife's blog - not a cell phone, Skype, business or personal email, twitter, facebook, myspace, linkedIn,,,, hard line phone, personal visit, hand written note, or a customizable mail order bear that says "Wish me luck - I have cancer" - but his wife's blog. I didn't even know his wife had a blog; which is beside the point. The point is & was - I don't know anything about blogging besides the typical "it's an online journal & online = potentially anyone noses around in your business".
So my wife is the “Early Adaptor” and I’m somewhere between the Early Majority / Late Majority (Scared User, Get something out of it, value, reassurance.
Our Communication - Précis': I'm reasonably sure the context is incorrect but the word "summary" just didn't do it - and the word "summary" "shifted F7" nicely in Word to Précis.
My wife on herself: has always thought she's better at communicating her thoughts (sometimes but not always) via the written word, but prefers the verbal context because the written takes time.....time we all don't have.
Me on myself: I cut pictures out, save websites, use EverNotes because I secretly freak about forgetting something, finds quotes, hard examples, uses past experience, case studies, numbers, facts, graphs, anything and everything except feelings. My communication doesn't extend to the verbal type - whatever that is called....speaking, verbal, talking, discussing feelings, emotions, teenage angst. I put stuff in “quotes” to extenuates something, I use the term “i.e.” without end, I use parenthesis (and contained thought) to help explain stuff. I grew up with an older brother and a younger sister…..when men where men and girls stinked.
My wife from me: talks, describes, accentuates, designs, explains, plans details & life via the verbal type. She grew up with 3 younger sisters.
Me from my wife: I communicate best with myself.
My work - My personal life is my work life and my work life is my personal life. My family is my work life and my work life is my family. Work = Personal ; Personal ≠ being able to separate my life from my work. From this fine theory = there's no reason to NOT blog.
Fulfillment Section - Here's where my mind goes......Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Outsourcing the entire F*ing thing to someone in China, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, *insert the newer lower labor cost country here*.
What I've realized - everyone says I need to communicate and maybe this is a starting point.
I am hoping to add a different vantage point & perspective on our life heard here.
I throw a great change up in the bottom of the 9th facing the prime of the line up with the bases loaded and no outs.
That's what I do – so watch out!