So Josh and I watch How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM for the really cool kids) and the last few weeks have been heavy man!! Marshall lost his dad - which kinda hits everyone in the gut anyway but they had a big discussion about "last words" and how important or not important they are.....
Plus have you ever been to a funeral and they say all this great stuff about everyone and you think to yourself, "I wonder what they'll say about me when I'm gone....I better shape up and do some good stuff!" If you haven't thought that then you are better person than a good friend of mine.....ahem.
All of that to say today I sat down today and wrote my parents and in laws how much they mean to me and why.... I have done it before for my grandparents, but parents are so often taken for granted and they totally rock and are deserving of unbridled praise and adulation - especially mine!!
I have been trying to do better about letting people know how special they are to me and that if I lost someone suddenly there wouldn't be any doubt in my mind that they knew how much they meant to me.
Taking more time to make people a priority, spending more time together, stretching myself to enjoy the moment and not continuously looking for the next event are kinda my goals for this year.
Last years was to get a grip and be more fun - I think I'll keep rolling that one forward!
All of that to say - reach out and let someone know why they are so special. Don't save all the glowing gushyness for when they're gone - spread the love now man!!