Wild hearts can't be broken - its true - they just keep moving forward.
Bruised, and sometimes aching - but never broken and always ready to rise to the next challenge.
- The McWamps
- Ms. Wamp® - I always wished I was part of a big Irish Catholic family and then realized as a plain ol' Southern Baptist I already have more family than I can handle sometimes! Mr. Mc® - a vintage 1982 classic brew....like chocolate - I'm an acquired taste. Normal blogs are typically narrated by one individual - as you'll see...we're not normal but are one. This is our life sometimes adventurous, oft times mundane, but always retold with flourish!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
I swear I'm not super political

I know that voting is something that my grandfather's generation cherishes - their mothers had to fight just to be allowed to do it! They fought wars to protect our democracy and the right to vote, to speak out, to fight for change.
My grandpa is AWESOME and has instilled in my a deep sense of appreciation for all that American is and can be - he raises a martini to you and your choice to vote! My cousins and I thank you too!
I am always cognizant at this time of year that as American's we are generally so lax on this right that is a cornerstone on what sets our country apart, and I would encourage you to take an hour, read about the candidates, early vote and make your voice heard.
The process as a whole is far from perfect and it it run by men & women who are fallible humans just like you and I, but they are trying to make a difference and fight on our behalf.
It is my opinion that I should never complain about the "state things are in" if I don't like them I should vote, run myself, or support candidates who I feel mirror my interest - but complaining never got anyone anything - we must be actively involved.

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
All the voting info you should need - I think.
Early voting rocks cause you can go to any of the locations listed below to vote - in and out in about 5 minutes - no picketing candidates or anything so nice!
Early voting locations
There are also some interesting propositions that can affect taxing you might want to pay attention to - you can view them at the end of the republican ballot sample.
Here is a Republican sample ballot Democratic Sample Ballot
If you wanna read through a ton of information and make a informed decision on each of the candidates you can read this
To find out what districts represent you and who you can vote for:
Lets use the privileges we've been granted!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
THE Resolution
Where to start my next blog? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself since November 19th, 2009.
It was a chilly evening and my wife was yelling at me because it was past my prescribed bed time of 2:00am. Earlier that same day (and strangely enough) my local doctor (Dr. Ms. Wamp®) had just written me my newest prescription….it went something like this….
I know right….“Doctors!!”…..what do they know anyway? They don’t even speak the English language…..
I mean….H E L L O…..I’m fluent in 99.9% of any and EVERY language which matter in my world. For those of you who didn’t know- I’m fluent in the following languages…..
I was/am labeled by society (just recently self proclaimed in 2003) as a detailed orientated guy – yet writing my first blog entry on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 made me realize I’m NOT….at least not detailed orientated in the important life areas.
My initial reaction was fear – and Missy Elliott’s “Get Your Freak On” song was playing in the back of my head….or should I say these 3 lines of the song were on auto repeat, and nothing could be done about it. .
Secretly, I like weird stuff and weird stuff always seems to make me laugh. I would consider only knowing these 3 lines of this entire song WEIRD. But it’s the weirdness factor which brings a smile to my face. Please note – it also brings a smile to my wife’s face when I sing these 3 lines out loud while we’re together….hand gestures and sound effects included.
Back to da point……
I thrive on positive energy, comments, hand gestures, butt slaps, motivating speeches, Jimmy V, smiles, laughter from the inner dwellings of someone’s stomach, Bear Grylls reruns, Mint Chocoloate Chip Ice Cream (pint size), Chap Stick, and genuine excitement from people.
Take some time…anytime…and listen to the people around you. What they say, how they say it, hand gestures, eyes, tones, interest level, heart beats, and check the color of their socks.
Don’t focus on – but note how much negativity, unconstructiveness, pessimism, and just plan bitching exist on the planet earth……and you know what – IT SUCKS (ps…that was just a negative comment….if anyone was wondering).
The easy way out is to delve deeper into the aforementioned task. Most individual would take the above statement and think – “Duh dude” – then poke there friend and say – “this guys a retard right?”. Don't do that.....
Negativity breeds Negativity (i.e. this is a real life example of MAN 2.0)
To meet deadlines (both personal and…well….personal) I need to wrap this up.
My New Year’s Resolution – be positive.
Counter negativity with positivity – problems with solutions – bad times with good times – bad vibes with a butt slap – stress with balance –over commitment with personal commitment - and finally….The Finger with a Thumbs Up and a Wink.
- Mr. Mc® -
It was a chilly evening and my wife was yelling at me because it was past my prescribed bed time of 2:00am. Earlier that same day (and strangely enough) my local doctor (Dr. Ms. Wamp®) had just written me my newest prescription….it went something like this….
“I’m whinny and you don’t appreciate me or everything I do for you, I get cold easy, I can’t fall asleep without your “cuddles”, and…..oh yeah! You can be a real pain when you don’t get at least ten sleep hrs per day, and…oh yeah I kind of….*cough*….*cough*…. like you”.
Warning – Side Note
I mean….H E L L O…..I’m fluent in 99.9% of any and EVERY language which matter in my world. For those of you who didn’t know- I’m fluent in the following languages…..
- English (United States of America)
- MAN 2.0 (formally known as MAN 3.0 or just simply MAN to those who speak fluently)
- Upgraded from MAN 3.0 in 2001
- Notable Improvements from 3.0 to 2.0 include the following
- The Introduction of UNIVERSAL WORDS - any words which previously had a correlation index ≥ 0.000000000000001% were consolidated.
- UNIVERSAL WORDS have been deemed “REVOLUTIONARY” by Maxim Magazine’s entire staff.
- Playboy Magazine’s Mr. Heffner was quoted as saying – “……Advances in Science and Technology have allowed us to hit the mythical 2 - I never in my wildest dreams thought my grandchildren would speak anything other than 3 ”.
- Grunt Noises
- Cave Time V.3/21/1982
- This is the only Theory Based Language know to exist. Strangely enough, the origin of this language is unknown; hence there have never been a documented real life practice examples to reference here.
- Spanglish
- Un Pequeño English perro Grande Mexican
I was/am labeled by society (just recently self proclaimed in 2003) as a detailed orientated guy – yet writing my first blog entry on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 made me realize I’m NOT….at least not detailed orientated in the important life areas.
My initial reaction was fear – and Missy Elliott’s “Get Your Freak On” song was playing in the back of my head….or should I say these 3 lines of the song were on auto repeat, and nothing could be done about it. .
What? Shh, hush your mouth,
Silence before I spit it out *insert hawking a luegy sound effect*……”
Back to da point……
I thrive on positive energy, comments, hand gestures, butt slaps, motivating speeches, Jimmy V, smiles, laughter from the inner dwellings of someone’s stomach, Bear Grylls reruns, Mint Chocoloate Chip Ice Cream (pint size), Chap Stick, and genuine excitement from people.
Take some time…anytime…and listen to the people around you. What they say, how they say it, hand gestures, eyes, tones, interest level, heart beats, and check the color of their socks.
Don’t focus on – but note how much negativity, unconstructiveness, pessimism, and just plan bitching exist on the planet earth……and you know what – IT SUCKS (ps…that was just a negative comment….if anyone was wondering).
The easy way out is to delve deeper into the aforementioned task. Most individual would take the above statement and think – “Duh dude” – then poke there friend and say – “this guys a retard right?”. Don't do that.....
Negativity breeds Negativity (i.e. this is a real life example of MAN 2.0)
To meet deadlines (both personal and…well….personal) I need to wrap this up.
My New Year’s Resolution – be positive.
Counter negativity with positivity – problems with solutions – bad times with good times – bad vibes with a butt slap – stress with balance –over commitment with personal commitment - and finally….The Finger with a Thumbs Up and a Wink.
- Mr. Mc® -
Friday, February 5, 2010
Food Horror
Josh has a awesome post coming - I haven't seen it yet but I've heard its real good.
But this is not about that - this is about a horror I saw in my pantry & something even worse in my freezer.
Background: Josh loves snack food and when we went grocery shopping last week he took the opportunity to load up on the good stuff that I never think to buy - and he grabbed some goldfish snack crackers.
I tried some Garden Cheddar and they kinda tasted funky - when I read the packaging (you can see upper left corner) I found out why - each serving of Garden Cheddar contains 1/3 serving of vegetables..... HORROR. I feel bad for the kids that have parents trying to get them a serving a veggies by feeding them crackers? Give that child some split pea soup - it builds character!!
On the worst thing I have to write - I am completely out of sausage in my freezer - totally out and I feel like a part of me is missing.
Background: I love shopping sales, I love coupons, I stock up on stuff that is on sale like an insane person then give half away so I can start over......
So at my old apartment I lived by a Albertsons that every Saturday when I went they had Owens Sausage on sale, and I always had coupons so I'd buy like 5 - 10 packages for $1 or less each then give it to me, my mom, sisters, anyone that wanted some.
When I moved I couldn't find any deals like that anymore, but I still felt compulsively that I must buy at least one package each time I went to the store and I often did. Well at Christmas I was organizing my freezer and found that I had like 8 rolls of Owens sausage in my freezer and wondered if I had a problem, but I figured that it was the holidays I had lots of entertaining to do and it was o.k.
Well apparently I did a lot of entertaining cause I'm out, finito and must make an emergency run to the store. Anyone who has extra stores of Owens Sausage Spicy or Italian Seasoning please have mercy on this poor starving, empty freezered, sad little thing and send supplies STAT.
But this is not about that - this is about a horror I saw in my pantry & something even worse in my freezer.
Background: Josh loves snack food and when we went grocery shopping last week he took the opportunity to load up on the good stuff that I never think to buy - and he grabbed some goldfish snack crackers.
Background: I love shopping sales, I love coupons, I stock up on stuff that is on sale like an insane person then give half away so I can start over......
So at my old apartment I lived by a Albertsons that every Saturday when I went they had Owens Sausage on sale, and I always had coupons so I'd buy like 5 - 10 packages for $1 or less each then give it to me, my mom, sisters, anyone that wanted some.
When I moved I couldn't find any deals like that anymore, but I still felt compulsively that I must buy at least one package each time I went to the store and I often did. Well at Christmas I was organizing my freezer and found that I had like 8 rolls of Owens sausage in my freezer and wondered if I had a problem, but I figured that it was the holidays I had lots of entertaining to do and it was o.k.
Well apparently I did a lot of entertaining cause I'm out, finito and must make an emergency run to the store. Anyone who has extra stores of Owens Sausage Spicy or Italian Seasoning please have mercy on this poor starving, empty freezered, sad little thing and send supplies STAT.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I discover the older I get the more old fashioned I appear..... I go home and cook dinner for my husband, I'm compulsive about writing thank you notes, and I listen to music cause I like how it sounds not because of how the singer looks......
I was amazed that all the pop acts and rap acts were so retarded! I love listening to them but country was the only category that had their heads on straight and sang instead of entertained..... Maybe thats the difference? I like singing? But really this can't be the future of music?! Anyone else agree or am I alone on my sad old lady rant?
I have never been a fan of MTV - 50% I'm sure because we didn't have cable growing up and went to private school so it really wasn't an option or focus and the other 50% because I find the music videos often ruin the song for me.
I bring this up cause I made the mistake of watching the grammy's instead of reading a book which a sensible girl would do if there is nothing worthwhile on TV. (sorry Pro Bowl - but you were lame)

Monday, February 1, 2010
Total Cliché Day
First thought that jumped into my head today "You have to have rain to make rainbows" no joke.....
This isn't a picture of a rainbow but its a awesome sunset picture straight out of the camera that I took while driving.....what?
Then I read this and thought it was very fitting too!
"God has proved Himself beyond faithful in our lives, in the valleys and on the mountaintops. I have no reason to doubt He'll continue to be faithful for us no matter our circumstances."
I am kinda in a slap happy mood and now "Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy" comes jumping to mind.
"If you're a cowboy and you're dragging a guy behind your horse, I bet it would really make you mad if you looked back and the guy was reading a magazine." Jack Handey
I know that not just for us but so many of our friends are going through rough/tough/not always peachy times - our tube of toothpaste is getting squeezed and its all on the table. Its hard, its uncomfortable but it is changing us, making us closer and stronger. I know for sure it is making me all the more grateful for my family and my God. The truth is He is in control and He has all the strength I could ever need.
No one likes having their tube (that is a weird word BTW - I think it should be spelled toob) anywho - no one likes having things shaken up and mixed around - but if it weren't how would we learn and grow and be pushed further in our faith? If our tube gets all squeezed out we can start over with a new flavor, even better - fresh breath for 12 hours, whiter teeth AND tarter control.
Psalms 30:5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
The good belly laugh kinda joy! The real good stuff - I'm ready for it!!
This isn't a picture of a rainbow but its a awesome sunset picture straight out of the camera that I took while driving.....what?
Then I read this and thought it was very fitting too!
"God has proved Himself beyond faithful in our lives, in the valleys and on the mountaintops. I have no reason to doubt He'll continue to be faithful for us no matter our circumstances."
I am kinda in a slap happy mood and now "Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy" comes jumping to mind.
"If you're a cowboy and you're dragging a guy behind your horse, I bet it would really make you mad if you looked back and the guy was reading a magazine." Jack Handey
I know that not just for us but so many of our friends are going through rough/tough/not always peachy times - our tube of toothpaste is getting squeezed and its all on the table. Its hard, its uncomfortable but it is changing us, making us closer and stronger. I know for sure it is making me all the more grateful for my family and my God. The truth is He is in control and He has all the strength I could ever need.
No one likes having their tube (that is a weird word BTW - I think it should be spelled toob) anywho - no one likes having things shaken up and mixed around - but if it weren't how would we learn and grow and be pushed further in our faith? If our tube gets all squeezed out we can start over with a new flavor, even better - fresh breath for 12 hours, whiter teeth AND tarter control.
Psalms 30:5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
The good belly laugh kinda joy! The real good stuff - I'm ready for it!!
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